Advertise your ship for sale

If you would like to see your vessel or equipment advertised on this webpage, we can place your vessel for sale here as well.
Many buyers are visiting our webpage frequently on their search for used tonnage. We have a firm list of buyers worlwide from South America to the North parts of Russia and from the Carribean to the Pacific.
This enables you to present your vessel to many buyers.

We handle reaseanoble priced tonnage only.
Vessels which do not have a reasonable market conform price, will not be listed.

When you want your vessel listed here. Please contact us.
Do you want your vessel advertised worlwide, within a very short period. Please let us know and we will take care of it.

We are in daily contact with chartering and S&P brokers worldwide, so we know what is going on on the sale and purchase market.
If you let us handle your sales, you can relax!

This website is only one of the instruments of West Europe's leading shipbroker within the wordlwide circle of shipbrokers, shipowners, charterers and others withing the shipping community.
We are Netherland based recognised specialists.

There are 2 options that we recommend:

Option 1

Free without any costs, if you let us sell of the vessel as exclusive broker.
Your advantages are, that besides the vessel is shown on this website, we also circulate the vessel in our circle of purchasers. This means that besides visitors of this webpage, all our relations will be informed on a regular base that you vessel is available for sale. This can lead to a fast sale of your vessel.

Option 2

Against payment of a small fee (min 3 months) in case you do not want exclusive brokarage agreement with us as broker.
Your advantages are:
This website is visited very regular by proffessional ship purchasers only.
The people visiting this website are really on the search to find vessels.
When your vessel suits one, than lines are short and deal can be closed soon.

Please note, we will not advertise vessels, which are not priced according market levels.
Reasonable priced vessel of a certain quality can be placed for sale.

We will also not advertise/display or offer any vessel of which we have knowledge that something is wrong or technically or otherwise not in the condition as offered.

For more information, please fill in the contactform.
We will contact you by return.